Saturday, December 11, 2010


So...maybe somebody hasn't updated in a while.  Whoops.

Well...what should I talk about?
-How huge and adorable and crazy my sweet little puppy has become?
-How awesome our house is?
-How the latest cake/baking project is going?
-How many lives I have touched while caring for patients?
-How many patients have touched my life?
-How much I dislike working nights and love love love clinic?
-How I'm sort of excited for Christmas but I'm sad I'll be working through it then taking Step 3 on my break?
-How about funny quotes from patients/nurses/residents?

I think that's a little too much.  Here are a few things of note:

Bailey is awesome.  She is super smart (too smart for her own good, really) so it's fun to teach her new tricks.  The basic ones (sit, stay, come) she's pretty good at, so now we're working on "Beer me" where she opens the fridge and gets us a beer and "Bang!" where she rolls to her side dead.  Our dog is going to be the coolest.

The house: also awesome.  Christmas lights are up.  Christmas tree is up, with wrapped presents under it! (Amazing what a month of averaging only 40 hours a week will do!)  Muddy pawprints are EVERYWHERE, but they're cute, right?

Prayers would be appreciated for my sweet mom, who fell last week and somehow exploded her humerus bone into her shoulder.  She had surgery earlier this week and they placed a metal rod in.  She got discharged home today, but still going to need a lot of prayers and a lot of patience for healing!

It's true, I'm working through Christmas then taking a 2-day (!!) exam...which isn't really my idea of a good "holiday break."  Thankfully, I will have a few extra days off after that, 2 weeks of clinic, then on vacation to PERU!  Super excited.

You know what else happens on Christmas?  My first payment of my student loans are due.  ON CHRISTMAS.

So in essence, I'm alive and well.  Alert and oriented times...uh...well times two at least.  Maybe you'll hear from me again before the next 5 months rolls around.  I'd like to put up more funny patient stories but the effort to make them completely anonymous seems a bit daunting, and I definitely don't want anyone to find me out!