Saturday, June 20, 2009


Unfortunately, the super awesome long post I was planning to write is unavailable until I get some more work done. This should hold me over for now:

Only one more month of 3rd year! Woohoo! And...less than a year until MD! I can't even believe it. It's exciting but scary. Probably more scary right now.

Speaking of scary, surgery midterm is Monday. Shouldn't be that scary except that I haven't studied for it almost at all yet. I say "yet" because that's the plan for today. That, and about two hundred other things. Did you know that I'm getting married in less than four months? Holy Cow!

And with marriage comes...engagement pictures! We finally got them back from the photographers and are SO happy with how they turned out. They put some up on their blog which you can find here:
and most of my favorites are found here:


Chris is in Trinidad this weekend shooting Kateri and Karl's wedding. Technically their third wedding, hopefully after this they can consider themselves really married. Chris also has our engagement proofs that he's been tinkering with during his long flights/layovers on his way to Trinidad. He promised me he would try to post some of them today while he's staying at the fancy wedding resort, and I will direct you to them as soon as I can! Get ready!


Anyway, not much is going on here on the homefront except for my to-do list that keeps growing bigger by the minute. Studying needs to take precedence, but there's a ton of cleaning that needs to be done and working out so I can still fit in that dress I tried on months ago and numerous other things but I'm so tempted to go enjoy this sunny weather! I'm also obsessed with checking my email because that's the only way I can get in touch with Chris, so that's also a bit of a problem...

Well I suppose I'll try to go finish reading the outline of the book (before reading the book and the First Aid and the questions and the answers...and then reviewing it all before Monday morning! eep!) and maybe if I can finish that I can take my book outside and read a little. I need to get my daily (more like weekly) dose of Vitamin D, anyway.


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