Friday, May 14, 2010

Workout DVDs part 2

I really like workout DVDs. You can wear your weird-looking but comfy shorts with only a sports bra, sweat until you think your face is about to fall off, and generally look as awkward as you need to in the privacy of your own home. Plus, there are some great workouts out there.

As I've had some time off recently I've been trying out lots of new workout DVDs. I still like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred because of the time:energy ratio - only about 25 minutes and you get a great workout. However, because I have all day to myself, I've been working out longer and harder (and I think I actually am starting to notice a result - amazing!) Here's my latest favorites:

The Firm: 500 Calorie Workout
The first time I did this workout I didn't like it because it was hard to follow - you probably need to try it at least twice, because I really like it now that I know what I'm doing. It's fast paced and there are a lot of combo moves. There are 5 strength and 5 cardio sets, each about 5 minutes long. Cardio includes step, kickboxing, and plyometrics. Strength is good all around but lots of lunges and squats - this one hurts my hamstrings if I'm not careful! This is about an hour total.

Amy Bento: Kickbox Xtreme
This seriously is extreme! The first time I did the workout I didn't realize that there were options (on the DVD menu) to change the length of the workout (about 5 options ranging from 30 minutes and up). This workout totals almost EIGHTY MINUTES LONG if you go all the way through. It's all cardio and uses no weights. The instructor is not the best at cueing (partly because everything is so fast paced) so you need to watch this one more than once to get the full benefit too. It's a great workout though and will definitely get your heart rate up.

Women's Health: Ultimate Fat Burn
2 cardio and 2 strength segments, the instructor is very encouraging (almost too much) and I do work up a sweat. This one is only around 30 minutes and intermediate intensity. There is a little "bonus" on the DVD that talks a bit about the background of all the instructors which was actually more interesting than I would have thought - after watching it I felt like I knew who I was exercising with!

Trainer's Edge: Killer abs and back
This one is good for an ab workout and the instructor wears an eye patch! My abs were a bit sore the next day so that was a good deal too. It's about 40 minutes, the first half is mostly cardio with a focus on abdominal movements and the second half is on the floor. He uses very light weights, a body bar, and a jump rope but I dont use any of these things and do just fine. :)

So, I've been exercising pretty good intensity since I stopped working two weeks ago. I hope to keep it up so once intern year rolls around it can all turn into flab. ;) Just kidding, sort of.

Also, on a non-exercise note: If you haven't ever seen "Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long," I recommend it (particularly after a drink or two). Quite funny.

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