Sunday, May 25, 2008

Baker Katie

Note: I decided to make a new blog to show all my pretty pictures. That, and the "AOL journals" site is kind of lame, so I wanted a grown up journal here on blogger. Just for the record most of my pictures I haven't taken - I have to give all the credit to Chris and his artistic/creative skills. (He's pretty good with a bowstaff, too.)

Studying for the USMLE has turned out to be a lot less fun than I thought, so I have decided to drop out of med school and open a cupcake shop. Everybody likes cupcakes, right? Well, if I'm going to become a cupcake-maker, I first need to practice (and I guess I will study for boards as a back-up plan).

I have a little knowledge about cakes and decorating since my mom took all of the Wilsons' Cake Decorating Classes when I was a kid - she practiced making/decorating cakes until NO ONE in our house would eat cake anymore...not even for birthdays (I had a few birthday pies, cookies, etc but no cake for quite a few years).

Anyway, I thought that cakes would be a great outlet to get away from so much studying. So, last week I borrowed my mom's cake decorating supplies and went to town. I baked and baked and baked - full size cakes, mini cupcakes, little bread cakes, chocolate, vanilla, chai, peppermint, nutella - and lucky for me (but not for my waistline), everything turned out ultra-delicious.

Cake #1 was a white cake (a box mix, I had to do something to get started!) and turned into this adorable little "wedding" cake covered in fondant. (I've never used fondant before and I think it worked out pretty well!) I also made "flavored" cupcakes by adding chai mix, peppermint extract, and dabs of nutella.

The rest of the batter made the bottom half of my "glucose" cake. Don't judge - I have been studying biochem REALLY HARD and at the time I thought it was a hilarious idea. (Trust me, I don't get out much) Half of the cake is the white mix, the other half is a blue/white swirled homemade cake - it was really dense and SO tasty.

Finally, it was a friend's birthday so I decided to make happy little mini-cakes for everyone to take home. I think they turned out adorably, if I do say so myself.

I have been thinking that maybe I should do something to counteract what all this baking was doing on my waistline. I want to run a 10K on July 4. This definitely will not happen unless I run (a lot) until then, so beginning tomorrow I am training to run 6.2 miles in a row. (I say beginning tomorrow because I'm too full of cake at the moment - !)

1 comment:

Katie! said...

I would totally keep you in business if you decided to open a cupcake and muffin shop! Look at your pretty cakes! HOLY COW hidden talent!

Just discovered your blog - love you and I love the blog!