Monday, May 26, 2008

Stuffed peppers!

Since it's summer, and it's hot outside (hooray!) I thought I would make some stuffed peppers. I've never made stuffed peppers before but we always had them as kids. I would only eat the inside of my pepper and leave the poor pepper shell heaped up in a pile on the side of my plate. I searched online for many different recipes (there are some crazy ones out there!), but when it came time to it, I just sort of went with what I remembered Mom doing. Some hamburger, turkey sausage, rice, diced tomatoes (in garlic/olive oil - YUM), and bunches of seasonings, stuffed in a pepper and baked until delicious. The results were sooo good:

All in all, pretty tasty. I probably won't make them very often (too much work): browning the meat, cooking the rice, boiling the peppers, blending the stuffing, stuffing the stuffing, and baking the finished product. Tasty, but a little too time-intensive for a busy girl like me.

We had some mushy strawberries so I decided to use them for dessert. Guess what we had? STUFFED STRAWBERRIES! Ooh and they turned out perfect! I cored the strawberries, "stuffed" them with a few chocolate chips each (this would have worked a lot better if I had those huge strawberries), then baked them in the oven until they got warm and the chocolate got gooey. I took them out and gave them each a dollop of reddi-whip... Chris basically inhaled the things and immediately insisted I make more. So for the second round I heated them even more then served them with a big bowl of vanilla ice cream. Goodness.

Chris was a very happy boy :)

And yes, after all this delicious food, I did go for a run today. 4.2 miles, to be exact. I ran most of the way, but thanks to allergies, I had to take a couple walking-breaks. It's a start, though, and that's all I need.

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