Wednesday, June 4, 2008


As you can see, I haven't written anything lately. This is due to:
1) USMLE step one in less than two weeks
2) Christopher has some wonderful pictures that I want to upload but he is holding them hostage
3) I'm lazy.

I thought I would make this journal to chronicle funny little things that happened in everyday life, to remember the reasons why I laugh sometimes. I did NOT want to turn this into "here is what I studied today" journal, but I've been fighting the urge to write in here about what my life is like - which is study study study study all the time. So, I just haven't written.

But, Christopher just made a delicious icy-blended-french-vanilla-white-russian for us to share, and I was getting angry at my notes anyway (yeah, it's sad), so I figured I'd take a quick break and talk about a few fun things that have happened the past few days.

1) I cut my hair. Well, I went to the store where they cut hair (it sounds pretentious to call it a "salon" but I suppose that's what it is) and had it chopped off. Like, a LOT - we're talking almost 8 inches. I say "almost" because I have ALWAYS wanted to cut off 8+ inches so I could donate my hair, unfortunately, I didn't have enough (technically I had enough but I was not about to cut my hair that short). My hair has never been this short! But, I think it's pretty cute and summery and fun. Here's the before/after

2) I've become a lush. Well, not really but Chris and I went to Liquor Barn and found some good deals...and...we've been doing some "tastings" ever since. It really helps wind down after a long day of studying. We've had our fair share of pina coladas. Mmm...

3) This doesn't really fall into the "fun" category due to the injury that it has entailed, but I had slowed down on the running last week and just got back into it the past couple days. I still really want to run that 10K in July but I'm starting to worry that I just won't be in good enough shape - and the weather is getting so HOT and HUMID that I am having a harder time running! Apparently, my body was angry that I actually woke it up to run yesterday, because I was running (on a very bumpy sidewalk, mind you), and I totally did a faceplant on the concrete. Scraped up both knees pretty good, and got gravel in my palms. Thankfully, I don't think I really injured injured anything - just scratches. I got up, dusted off, and ran back home (I was about a mile away). I've been nursing my wounds (you use your knees and palms more than you realize!) and I'm hoping they're better tomorrow. I'm getting all squirmy sitting here because I didn't get out today.

4) I'm trying not to bake as many cakes/cookies/brownies as I have in the past month because I'm worried what it will do to my waistline, however, it's REALLY HARD to not take a "study break" and go make some delicious goodies! I have relied on baking and cooking as a stress reliever and now I'm trying not to do it - the stress is piling and piling! I had a mini meltdown today, actually, because my air conditioning, toilet, dryer, AND internet were not working - all at the same time. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! Really, the internet was the biggest problem since that's the only way that I can study. No study = Lots of stress

And I'll leave you with the highlight of the day:

5) One of my friends randomly called me today to see how studying was going and to tell me a joke. Who calls people just to tell them jokes? I thought it was really sweet and it totally made my evening. Here's the joke:

Q: What did the Stop sign say to the Yield sign?

A: I don't know, I don't speak sign language!


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