Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sabby!

Tomorrow is my roomate Sabrina's 3rd-annual 21st birthday. We have been friends since the first week of UK Marching band early week - she was some crazy clarinet girl with wild curly hair who lived in the DOV with me and we would walk to practice together. We have been good friends since then (you know, the kind who talks about poop, boys, and what to do about dinner all in the same conversation) and we've lived together the past four years. FOUR YEARS! Some marriages don't last that long! But we've stuck it out through spiders, fire alarms, a couple band camps, as well as countless other things.

Consequently, I wanted to do something really special for her (3rd) 21st birthday. Since I'm over $50K in debt (and soon to be much, much more) and I also have an insatiable sweet tooth, I decided to make her homemade cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Yea!

Anyway, while they were baking I was thinking of all the fun stuff we've done together in the past half-decade. I won't go into the countless days and nights we spend in each others' rooms gossiping and gabbing about everything under the sun, but I do have to say that Sabrina is one of the best listeners I have ever met. I can literally tell her anything and I know that she will listen--without interruption--for as long as I need her to. She only offers advice if I want it - and I have always valued her opinions (about everything from what my next hair color should be to whether I should end a long-term relationship).

We've had pizza-baking parties, "pudding night," and who would ever forget our peanut butter pie fights! We've spent marching band seasons together, we hung out at K-lair and Ovids, and done some really goofy things with our hair. We've had some really great times!

I could probably go on and on about how great Sabrina is - I could talk about how she just bubbles energy and enthusiasm and is going to be a great music teacher because of her compassion and love for both teaching and music, or I could mention how she is a great listener and friend and how nice it has been to have someone around who I can trust and confide in, or I could just talk about our silly antics, but it's time to go put the icing on the cupcakes. :)

I love you, Sabrina! Thanks for being such a great friend and roommate. Good luck starting a new chapter in your life, and I know that you will succeed in anything you do because you're such a kind and loving person. I will miss you next year!


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