Saturday, October 4, 2008

post from b-town #3

I’ve officially started my AHEC rotation. For those of you who don’t know, AHEC stands for “Area Health Education Center” and means “away rotation.” I’m in Bardstown, which is southwest of Lexington and almost exactly an hour away from Lexington. I’m working in an outpatient pediatrics clinic with a doctor who is actually the father of a girl in my class.

It’s perfect timing too (makes you think the guy upstairs had a hand in making this one happen) because my grandma got sick about 10 days ago. She had a UTI that ascended into acute pyelonephritis (a kidney infection) and actually went into her bloodstream, causing her to get septic and almost die. She was in the B-town hospital but got transferred to Lexington, went to the ICU for a couple days and then a regular bed in the hospital. She actually just got home this afternoon (and I came in the evening) so I can hopefully be here to take care of her (when she lets me) and make sure she’s not getting any worse.

There is no internet here.

I’m allergic to the cat, and even though I’ve only been here a couple hours I think IgE & friends are starting to kick in. My throat is itchy and I just sneezed.
However, it’s hard to tell if that’s due to the cat allergen or just runoff from my normal allergies. I helped Chris move this weekend (which should get it’s own post) and got about six pounds of dust up my nose. I’m actually starting to feel a little wheezy, so this may be a really terrible month. Hopefully not, though.
I’m getting pretty sleepy so I guess I’ll go to sleep. There’s not anything else to do here anyway. :)


Amanda said...

thank you for updating. i'm a total hypocrite. i will try to update soon, but life is sooooo crazy right now. i hope bardstown doesn't bore you to tears. what a blessing i know you'll be to your g-parents during this time! i miss you, and i love you! :)

Amanda said...

1. you're cuter.
2. you HOPE to see me during Christmas break? are there any doubts?? i hope not :(
3. i love you.