Sunday, October 26, 2008

Block 3: Pediatrics

Officially back from Bardstown. I had been meaning to write a nice little note about cute kiddos and how much I learned this month, but last night I started to come down with a wicked sore throat (seriously, I think I'm swallowing knives) and feeling generally crummy, so my outlook on things may not be quite so bright today. Everyone says you'll get sick on peds, but I naively thought that since I made it back to Lex without a single sniffle I would be off the hook for getting sick. Darn you, incubation time! I wanted to have a fun weekend of pumpkin carving and cooking and generally having a good time. Now I can't sleep and have to drink icky tea to make myself feel better. Bummer!

Anyway, I'll do my best to write about my month.

Staying with my grandparents was pretty fun. Grandma was sort of sick in the beginning (just really tired) since she had just gotten out of the hospital, so I was glad that I could help with cooking dinner and things. She did get better, though, so I was glad of that. I think they had a lot of fun with me there--my grandpa wants to adopt me!

Last weekend Chris came up to stay with us and we did all the "touristy" things we could think of. We went to Bernheim forest and hiked around a little bit...then we went to "downtown Bardstown" and window shopped (we did get some delicious donuts from a bakery there!) We also went to church and I met the priest that married my parents and all of my aunts and uncles. On Sunday, we tried to go to the Abbey of Gesthemane (where the monks are) but unfortunately they were closed on Sunday. We then went to Nazareth (where the nuns live) and took a walk on their grounds. We finished off the trip with a trip to Maker's Mark and Chris got to dip his own bottle in the wax, which was pretty sweet. Hopefully I'll have pictures to come soon.

The rotation itself wasn't bad, I saw TONS of patients (seriously, over 20 patients/day!) and learned a crazy amount of stuff. I am still not sure how I feel about the kids (as in being their doctor) because I feel like there's a lot of stuff that I just don't really like to deal with. I did think that the kids were cute and I had fun getting them to let me examine them...but I don't know if I want to do ONLY peds for the rest of my life. Some of the days just seemed really long.

It's kind of disheartening because I had hoped that I would fall in love with Peds and that would be the answer I was looking for...and I didn't. I like peds, it was fun, but maybe not what I want to do forever. Thankfully, though, I have another month of kiddos (really sick ones this time) to decide.

Well, I better go take some medicine, I'm hurting all over! :(

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