Thursday, December 18, 2008

holy cow i've been busy

Things I need to update on:

-my ICU experience (or un-experience)

-the (relatively uneventful) EMT Ride-a-long at the fire station

-my boring first shift in the ER

-and my CRAZY second shift (Including but not limited to: The guy who took lortab and xanax and clonopin and amitryptiline and laid face down in the snow, the drunk guy who broke his ankle and almost coded, the truck driver who's truck was hit by a TRAIN so he jumped out of the truck and walked away, a car wreck lady whose BP was down to the 50s and she was mad they had to cut off her clothes, oh yeah and a gunshot wound to the chest - in LEXINGTON)...

all in a 6 hour shift.
holy cow!

My question is: how much can I talk about without violating HIPPA? I must do some reading on this before I write any more...

3rd shift is from midnight-6am. Wish me luck!

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