Friday, May 22, 2009

psychos and dentists

Today should have been my psych and neuro shelf exams. Should have been, because somebody in the neurology department dropped the ball and forgot to order our tests. Oops! Unfortunately, this means we must take the exams next Saturday (a week into surgery rotation). On a positive note, it means I was much less stressed today (for only having one exam instead of two) but, it still stinks because I have to study/stress all next week about neuro, when I will have enough worrying to deal with for surgery.

Another positive: because the neuro exam got cancelled, I got squeezed in for a dental appointment! Woohoo! I'm only a month overdue but it was stressing me out that my next guaranteed day off is at the end of July... and I got a clean bill of health this morning so that made me happy! No-Cavity-Katie strikes again!

Now if I could only make all the other doctor appointments I need to make...

So memorial day weekend is hopefully going to be some relaxing, some fun, and maybe some studying all rolled together. Tonight my parents are going out of town (to Maysville KY for my dad to compete in a triathalon tomorrow morning) so I get to "babysit" my 17-year old brother for exactly the reasons you wouldn't want to leave your 17 year old son home alone on a Friday night. Not that Gregory would do anything except play video games and eat cereal.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to take a walk with my dear "MOH" Sabrina and talk about weddings and life. (MOH is a new acronym I learned while reading wedding websites and I think I just like to use it becasue it sounds funny when you say "moh" aloud...or maybe it's just me...) Later Chris and I have been double-booked - Kateri's folks are having a big bonfire and grillout at their home in Danville and it's our friend Andres' birthday and he's having a shin-dig over at his place. Decisions decisions!

Sunday there are plans in the works for a family cookout at my Aunt's house here in Lexington which is sweet because she has a POOL. Yeah! Hope the weather is nice!

Of course, I'll be interspersing neurology studying within all this, but you know how that goes.

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