Wednesday, August 5, 2009

4th year

I just did one of the Jillian Michaels 20-minute workouts and am POOPED (so my brain's not quite working right) but I wanted to say a couple things

1) Weddings aren't really THAT bad... we got some things sorted out (at least to some degree) so there's not as much drama. Seriously, I don't do drama.

2) Being a 4th year is awesome. AWESOME. At least on this rotation. I know things, and I can actually help, and I knew some stuff that none of the residents did! (Thanks, ENT rotation!) sweeeeet!! More to come on this topic later...

3) I like the med-peds folks. A lot. They're well-rounded, friendly, and super smart (The kind of person I want to be!!). I just really don't want to do a 4-year residency of wards wards wards ICU wards (clinic) wards...etc.

4) Going to meet with the new priest for coffee soon... don't really know how I feel about him. Either way I think he's doing our wedding so I'm going to have to get used to him!

Well I'm not sweating all over the place anymore (seriously, if you want a workout, it's called 30-day Shred and it is the hardest and most complete 20-minute workout I've ever done!), so I'd better change clothes. Wish me luck!

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