Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Post 100

Well, this is it. 100 posts in this little journal. Pretty cool if I do say so myself. Unfortunately for you, my dear readers, the writing has gotten a bit sparse lately. Don't get me wrong, I've tried to write. And write and write and write and write. But, writing this personal statement for residency is sucking the life right out of me and my skinny little fingers. (I do have skinny fingers, not abnormally bony or long or anything, but skinny)

Anyway, there are a few Life Events occuring very soon that need mentioning, I suppose, so maybe this post can enlighten you on how my life has been flying by these past few weeks.

1) Getting married.

Okay, I thought that Chris put a shiny, sparkly ring on my finger and then we'd get married. Unfortunately, we have to get through the wedding first. It's been exciting, frustrating, and lovely all at the same time. I think when 10/17 rolls around it's going to be so awesome, but getting there is driving me nuts. I've passed the point of caring about the little details (Do you want the centerpieces to have all roses or have roses and other flowers? Should the cake be round or square? What color shoes should the bridesmaids wear?) SERIOUSLY WHO CARES about this stuff!? Apparently someone, but just not me.

Things are moving along quite nicely, though. We are going to have a freakin' awesome cake, we have really awesome invitations, and in the end, we're gonna be married. Chris got his wedding band yesterday and it made me really excited to see him try it on. Weird, I know, but I get little kicks like that. I have yet to make up my mind on a wedding band, it's one of those things "you have to wear the rest of your life so you'd better like it" type deal, and I'm afraid to make that type of commitment. I made it to Chris because he is so awesome, but picking a ring is harder than that, you know.

2) Moving, and going away for a month.

In hindsight, I would not have scheduled my away rotation for the month before the wedding. That means I'm not around to schedule the "final meetings" with all those "vital" people - the florist, baker, candlestick maker, and the like. Though I don't really care about the specifics, it is important to me that all these people (we are paying ungodly amounts of money to) do their job and do it well. So, I've been trying to cram in all these meetings, in addition to finishing up the marriage-prep stuff at the church (which my opinions on that would be enough to fill another entire post, but suffice it to say that it's useful for some but wastes too much of my precious, precious time), in addition to the rest of my life. Hindsight is 20/20 though, so I gotta get these meetings out of the way then I'm leaving.

I FINALLY got placed for my AHEC in Bardstown. Today. I'm leaving Monday. I had to resort to writing a couple nasty emails to some people, but it got the job done and I know that I have a rotation for next month. ::sigh of relief:: It's going to be fun but also a little stressful. Grandma and Grandpa love to try to make me fat, and although I don't really mind that, I do have to wear a strapless wedding gown 2 weeks after I get back and I'd prefer not to flap my lunchlady arms around while breaking it down on the dance floor.

Oh yes, and I'm moving. Did anyone tell you that Patrick's roommate HAS to have my bedroom (and not the completely empty one upstairs)?? Because no one told me. Now before I leave for Bardstown I have to move all my stuff up the hill (though it's a little hill, it's a hill) to Chris' place. Everything. Must. Go. And after living in the same home for 6 years, I have accumulated a lot of crap. Oh and then take half that stuff and pack it for Bardstown. Sorry if I seem a little bitter, because I am. In addition to just moving my stuff, Chris had to move his bedroom upstairs and we decided to super-clean and paint everything before doing that. So we are going to have a beautiful little green bedroom and a beige study area, with clean carpet, scrubbed linoleum, and a pleasant aroma that reminds you of being squeaky clean. It's really turning out lovely, but has been quite a bit of work.

AND Chris' friend Tyler is getting married on Friday, and naturally we're the photographers, so I have to move my stuff BEFORE Friday because we're spending my last weekend in Indy. Naturally.

3) Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays.

Seriously, too many procreated in January because the September birthdays in my life are out of control! Sabrina, my MOH (in wedding-speak, or "maid of honor" in regular-people language), emailed me to find out what weekends I have available for a bachelorette party. Here's the lineup:
Next weekend: Me - 24 years old on the 6th. Probably a no-go for a party because it's so soon.
Sept 12: Amy (Chris' sister and bridesmaid) turns 20
Sept 19: Chris (Groom, sort of important) turns 27
Sept 26: Grandma (who I will be with in B-town, and who is turning 80 and we're having a huge bash to celebrate - and I am making a cake that's going to be the BOMB, no joke)
Oct 3: Gregory (my brother and groomsman) turns 18
Oct 10: one week before the wedding. No birthdays (thank Goodness!)

With the exception of mine, everyone's birthday is on a Saturday! Really weird, if I do say so myself. And those are only the Saturday birthdays (because there are more, if you can believe it), which is when I need to find time to have a shower (with grown ups) and bachelorette party (with us young'ns)

4) Applications, and What Will I Do With My Life

This is getting down to the wire. I need to decide what to do with my life, and I have no idea. I want to do Medicine. I want to do med-peds. I want to do medicine. What the heck, why can't I decide this? Another one of those Life Decisions that I can't make a good commitment to. But, applications have opened up (and directors can download them 9/1) so I need to get my butt in gear. I may have to apply to both and just go from there. But it would be better to just make a freaking decision.

Trying to write a personal statement has been harder than it should, too. First, I can't say for certain that THIS ONE specialty is the only one for me because, clearly, I am still deciding on what to do with my life and I really don't know for sure. Also, taking multiple choice tests has made it virtually impossible to sit down and write an essay on "Why I will be a good doctor and what I will do with my life" - I mean, I suppose I get decent writing practice with this blog but...let's be real here, I don't usually write essays or even complete my sentences! Plus it's just always hard to write about yourself.

Anyway, to recap: I've been really busy. I'm going to be really busy for a while. I suppose I should try to relish it while I have it, then enjoy the heck out of St. Lucia once we ever get there. Yea, laying on a beach (minus hurricane season) sounds pretty awesome right about now.

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