Saturday, March 13, 2010

two down, two to go

Another week has come and gone in the land of ENT. I got quite a bit lazier this week, finding plenty of excuses to go hide in the student lounge and watch TV, but somehow being slightly more useful on the team. I don't know how that works out. I think it's a quality-quantity thing.

Anyway, it's silly early in the morning for me to be up (well I guess it's around 7am now so not so silly), although this is my entire weekend off. I just happened to fall asleep around 8:30 last night and couldn't spend another minute in bed! Dang!

Today Chris and I are running in the Shamrock Shuffle 3k today! I'm pretty excited, especially that it's so short (>

The rest of the weekend is up for grabs. I've been dying to bake but I have no reasons to...I got to make a tiny batch of white chocolate-oatmeal-craisin cookies last weekend when Chris' parents came down but nothing else...I don't even cook dinner!

Well, I've got to go get ready for all this running I'm supposed to do. I guess I'm supposed to wear green?!

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