Saturday, October 4, 2008

post from b-town #2

Okay – this entry is for things that happened while on FM, and what I did with my “free” weekend between FM and Peds.

1) My birthday: this was on September 6. I turned 23 which makes me officially “old enough to be in med school” even though all the Hospice nurses told me I didn’t look a day out of high school. Thanks, ladies, except for the fact that you deal with 90 year olds all day.

Chris and I went to celebrate at Alfalfa’s which was a very delicious restaurant if you’ve never been there. We got the house salad, and I got a grilled sandwich with tomato, avocado, and mozzarella cheese and it was unbelievably good. Chris got fish tacos. And we got blackberry cheesecake with chocolate mousse on top. It was heaven!
I also got to go out shopping which was actually quite fun and turned up a few good deals.

2) Chris’ birthday: this was on the 19th and he turned old. Just kidding, he’s only a little older than I am, but I still make fun of him for it. His dad stopped by on his way from TN to IN, and I made a bruschetta chicken bake (which was fabulous!) and red velvet cake – I’d never had red velvet cake before but that’s what he wanted and that’s what he got. And it was tasty!

3) We also went up to Indianapolis for a weekend but I don’t remember much of that except that it was a nice time.

4) Race for the Cure: Chris and I ran RftC again this year (hoping to beat our time from last year which shouldn’t have been hard but was). We crossed the finish line at 33:33, but that doesn’t really count our time since we had to walk for a while in the beginning. I made Chris stop a couple times because my allergies were very bad and I had trouble breathing, which wasn’t fun. So, I didn’t do as well as I wanted but I didn’t die so that’s good. My dad got some sweet (read: awkward) action photos so maybe I can post those.

5) Moving: Chris and Kateri decided it was time for them to move houses. Their old one was nice and in an absolutely wonderful location but it was very very cold in the winter (with electric bills over $200!) and they had a number of plumbing problems that weren’t going to get fixed. So, they moved – and they’re my neighbors now! The front of my house can see the back of theirs, and it’s pretty convenient since we hang out so much. Unfortunately, now that they’re all moved in I’m gone for the month, but it will be nice when I get back. Moving wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had, but it wasn’t really that bad. Just bad for my allergies but you do what you gotta do.

1 comment:

Sabrina Lynn Baker said...

Hey! I just read your 3 b-town posts! I didn't know Christ moved! That is so awesome...are they in the ones where Andres lived? Now you only have to walk across the parking lot to visit him! I loved the post about family medicine and am so super happy you had fun! Good luck with the rest of pediatrics! Can't wait to hear from you next Thursday :)