Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Disclaimer: Whining alert

I'm a grump today. I'm really bitter that, even though the weather is hazardous to CANCEL class at UK (Something that hasn't been done in at least the past 6 years while I have been here), hazardous enough to cancel it for THREE DAYS in a row, being a 3rd year means we still have to brave the weather (and risk falling or crashing my car at 6am) because "Plan B is instituted in an emergency and requires essential staff (Hospital, Physical Plant, Auxiliary Services, IT, etc.) to report to work."

Essential? Me?

I'll tell you what I do all day: Nothing. And I have this awesome team that thinks I should just hang out with them all day watching them put orders into the computer. I asked at least 5 times today "what can I do, what can I help you with?" (I really did want to help) but never received anything to do. Because there was nothing I can do. Because I'm just that essential.

It doesn't help that I've got this cold that makes me groggy and feeling stupid all the time when I get pimped on rounds (even though one good part of today was I finally answered some right questions, woohoo!).

It also doesn't help that I was walking in (in the rain) this morning and stepped in 6 inches of water because it was dark and I didn't see it - and soaked my entire foot in grimy street ice water.

It also doesn't help that they made us stay THE ENTIRE DAY - through checkout - because they didn't know when to tell us to leave, even though we left plenty of hints.

But all in all, I think today would have been fine as long as I didn't have to listen to the interns complain about how terrible life is and how much work there is to do and how she's going to be here all night. You're an intern - it's hard. You work a lot. If you would shut your mouth once in a while and just write your notes you'd be home early. Also, if you don't want to be here, why would I? SEND ME HOME.

I guess it's ironic that I'm whining about how whiny my intern is. Well, I can see how she is "essential" given that she is in charge of 8 lives right now. And she's getting paid. Me? Well, sometimes I walk to the printer to get things for them. And I just paid $11,000 for 6 months of school - over $60 EVERY DAY.

Not only did I get to stay here today all day, but we're actually on call tomorrow, which guarantees me another 11 hour day (of uselessness).

I hope I remember this post when I'm finally a resident. I vow to never leave my 3rd years, to help them feel useful, and set aside a few minutes a day to talk to them and maybe teach them something. Because clearly, some of them have forgotten what it's like to be a student after just 6 months of residency.

But don't mind me. I'm just a little bitter.

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