Monday, January 5, 2009


This was Chris' specialty pizza he made for New Years - chicken, artichoke hearts, and fresh mozarella! YUM!

This is my ROOMIE who came all the way from Peru to eat cake with me on January 1! How about that! I made an extra special cake for time I'll put daisies on it 'cause they're her favorite. :) I'm very sad that I didn't get a picture of the both of us that night (what was I thinking?!) so she's just gonna have to come over and play again the next time she comes up for a visit.

It was a white cake with strawberry-rhubarb jam and icing filling, funfetti icing, and my delicious marshmallow fondant - oh yes, this cake has an entire bag of marshmallows and a ton of powdered sugar...all on top!

This is the finished product. My mom says I can't bake my own wedding cake but I sure think it would be fun. And just as delicious as any old baker. And not $4 a slice! what the heck?!


The wedding date may be set for October 17! Our priest has to check with the other priest to make sure they didn't double-book...but so far it looks like it will work out perfectly. Tax day (the other tax day) is October 15 so my mom is busy until then, and she would be quite unhappy if we decided to get hitched before then. Also, if I take October as my vacation month, I have a comfortable 2 weeks to finish up the wedding details and possibly take Step 2 (Blech. I already dread that.) and another couple weeks after the wedding to go on a honeymoon (YEA!) and get settled into the real world for a bit before returning to the hospital.

I'm meeting with the dean of student affairs tomorrow to discuss my plans, and make sure she thinks I can pull off getting all the right recommendations, board scores, and everything to make sure that I can be a good candidate for residency because I NEED to stay at UK for residency. My husband (heehee!) and I would be quite unhappy if he was here finishing up and I was stuck in, say, Oregon or something.

I also have contacted a wedding planner to find out what the heck they do, and if I need one or not. Should be meeting with her soon.

There's a bridal show on Sunday...Good thing I'm a professional bridal-show-attender. Hey, it's not my fault they give out free cake, chocolate fountain goodies, and other tasty morsels to any passersby! I've been at least 4 times, maybe more. Yes, just for the cake. And chocolate fountains. The first time I went (as an amateur, you know) I got THE WORST stomachache afterwards! Caitlin and I had been studying genetics all day and our lunch consisted of popcorn and a row or two of oreos. That doesn't mix with 5 different flavors of cake, 3 unlimited white, milk, and dark chocolate fountains (and peanut butter fountains!) and more. But I know better now. The only difference is this time I'm actually interested in talking to some of the vendors (instead of seeing how many times I can walk by a booth and pick up a piece of cake and not talk to them before they give me the hairy eyeball).

Anyway, things are moving along (even though I have no idea which direction they're moving). I'm not qute as stressed now even though I probably should be! And I definitely should begin studying again, but I am having a hard time starting up.

Today was the first day back at school after the break, it was pretty uneventful. I'm still on ER and I had a shift from 6-midnight this evening. I actually left at 9pm because I was sick of it...I know that makes me a horrible student but we were "on divert "meaning there are basically no beds available which = no new patients and nothing for me to see or do. Also, "on divert" means that the ER is PACKED...beds lining every wall, in hallways, etc. I got fed up with not having a place to sit or anybody acknowledging my existence, so I just walked out. We don't get graded on our attendance or performance, we just have a checklist to fill out (and I've already got 390/400 points finished, and I have 18 more hours in the ER scheduled this week).

We did have a lady come in who had been kicked in the face by a horse and another guy with a gunshot wound, this time in the abdomen, and he was doing much better than my first gunshot wound. They took him to surgery pretty quick. Both patients sound much more interesting than they were, and there's not much more stories to tell. Bummer.

Anyway...I have nothing to do tomorrow except for sleep, as I work the midnight-6am shift tomorrow night. That one kind of gets to me...especially around 4am...bleck! We'll see how that goes. It's going to be hard to talk myself into going in at all since I just need 10 more points. Surely I can stick one more guy with an IV on Saturday's nice noon shift, right? ;) I may go in just for the stories I can tell afterwards. We'll see!

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