Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This counts

25 Random Things About Me

1. I love making cakes but I don’t like to eat lots of them.
2. I have a stuffed rabbit named Puppy that I’ve had since I was a baby.
3. My stomach can be louder than anyone’s I’ve ever known.
4. I can touch my nose with my tongue.
5. I did CPR on a guy once. He died. I don’t think it was my CPR skills, though, probably more due to the bullet in his heart.
6. I have a lot of clothes and they are semi-organized by season and color.
7. I wear my red glasses every day so that my patients and attending can recognize me easily.
8. I’m usually cold. That doesn’t make me happy.
9. I won the spelling bee in 5th grade.
10. I’m marrying my best friend and study buddy on 10/17/09!
11. I went by “Katherine” in middle school to sound older but changed it back in high school because “Katie” sounded more fun.
12. My goldfish live ridiculously long lives, and I name them after cities I’ve lived in.
13. I did half of the P90X workouts and I think that’s a pretty big deal.
14. I was in the marching band for 6 years and loved every minute of it.
15. The headboard of my bed has a music box in it that plays “It’s a Small World” – my bed is handmade by my late grandfather and my dad installed the music box when I was little.
16. I have microfleece sheets that are my favorite thing ever. Ever.
17. I always sleep prone, I can’t breathe otherwise.
18. I’ve been to a gay bar and a strip club.
19. When I was about five years old, one of my favorite foods was lima beans. My favorite pizza was mushroom and olive. And I always dipped my hostess donuts in black coffee.
20. My first “real” job was at Blimpie. Before that I was a little league umpire.
21. Sometimes I worry that med school has taken away my ability to be a compassionate human being.
22. I like to lick and smell things. Even if they’re not edible. Especially if they’re not edible.
23. I will use the same tissue 100 times.
24. Over 5 alarms are set to wake me up in the morning because one of my greatest fears is being late/missing school.
25. I drive with a Pope JP2 prayer card in the dashboard of my car.

1 comment:

Katie! said...

I still like your list. ;)