Wednesday, March 25, 2009

studying as usual

Ugh. I can't study any more! I've read too much. Done too many questions. Seriously. But yet when I do new questions I still get them wrong! I know that I don't know things, but I don't know what the things are that I don't know, so I don't know how to know them. (Figure that out!)

Anyway, I thought I would write a little post about things that have recently made me happy. Because otherwise I will be stuck alone in a conference room at school with a stinky trashcan on a drizzly Wednesday with nothing better to do than be miserable and studying. So here goes:

1) - Sometimes this comic is a little weird, but sometimes just absolutely cracks me up.

2) Running. Really! I've been running a couple times this year (after not running in over 5 months - okay, that first run was rough) but it's actually been ...enjoyable! I don't know how it happened, either. I'm afraid to actually say it out loud because then I'll jinx it. I have been "running" on a sort-of regular basis since med school started (not counting the time in 6th grade when I tried out for the track team - awkward!), but I never really enjoyed it. Mostly, I did it because it's a cheap and time-efficient way to exercise. I'm afraid to say anything too soon but if this keeps up you may just see me running a marathon! Okay, just kidding.

3) Doing non-school things. Surprise, right? I'm dancing in 3 songs for our bi-annual "humanities festival" and maybe doing a duet with Sabrina of Carmen with flute/clarinet. It's awesome to do stuff with my peers that doesn't involve any studying or geeky talk whatsoever. (Geeky talk is okay but school-related geeky talk is unacceptable.) It also gives me a good opportunity to make friends with people I otherwise don't get to talk to. Be there, April 3!

4) Having days off during the week. Awesome. I don't know if I will get these again anytime soon, so hopefully I enjoyed them while I had them. You get to sleep in, hang out, make all the appointments and do all the errands you heart desires, and still be done by 4pm. After 2 months of medicine (where 6-day workweeks come standard) I really, really appreciate my days off. Especially when they're in the middle of the week. Whoo!

5) Making lists of things that I like. Just kidding, that was a cop out. I'm in a better mood now and better get back to learning the entirety of internal medicine and emergency medicine before, oh, tomorrow morning. Wish me luck! :)

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