Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thongs and Freedom

I just realized that I've been writing in this blog all year and I hardly ever mention anything about my rotation group.

I need to say, that I am extremely lucky that Pam emailed me last year and asked if I would be in their group. I had been secretly nervous for months that I wouldn't find anyone to rotate with me because I hung out with all the PhD kids (and they're all doing research this year). I was afraid that I would be stuck with a group of students that were loud, unfriendly gunners and I would have a horrible year and hate every minute of it.

Lucky for me, I got placed in group C2 with Pam, Suganya, Sarah R, Sarah W, DeAnna, Mark, Adam, and Alan. They are some of the most awesome people I know! My group is really laid back (no gunners!), really helpful, and really just overall good people. I have had an amazing and wonderful year, and I owe a lot of it to them. I know that if I need help that any one of them would be more than willing to help me, and that when I need someone to listen, there's always someone willing. 3rd year has lots of ups and downs, and it has been really great to share those ups and downs with such a fantastic group of people.

I already thought they were great, but the girls of C2 went over the top and decided to throw me a surprise bachelorette party - and it was awesome!!

We went out after our surgery quiz for a "girls night" - we were just going out to get some Mexican food and celebrate the almost-end of the year. But when I got there things started to get fishy. Pam made me put on a hawaiian lei, a pirate's eyepatch and hoop earring, and a flashing pink tiara. Then, they told me that I was kidnapped for the remainder of the evening and not to eat too much Mexican food because there was more to come.
What silly girls! We played goofy bachelorette party games, played pin the tail on the Christopher (complete with Chris' face plastered to a cartoon donkey body), and even had a PINATA filled with all sorts of delicious chocolate! There was a spice cake, flowers, balloons, crepe paper, and unmentionables hung all around DeAnna and Sarah's house! They also got me a CURIOUS GEORGE ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. How awesome! I had so much fun and couldn't even believe they bought me presents too! They seriously threw one fantastic party. I had so much fun and can't even begin to thank them for the great time that I had.

I am sure going to miss these gals when we part ways next year!! <3


Amanda said...

that's so good! i'm glad they took care of you, when i can't :( . . . missing you!

Katie said...

You have some wonderful friends. I am happy you have been blessed by a generous group of friends..