Friday, March 26, 2010

New layout and more!

I may never go into the OR ever again - how awesomely awesome is that?

It's pretty awesome if you ask me. I'd be perfectly happy to never go in the OR again, never scrub with that icky iodine soap, never use the scratchy blue towels to clean off, never sweat under the lights, never worry about my glasses falling off (and into an open wound!). Although I have been told that I will someday inevitably need an additional foot surgery (which will apparently include being completely non-weight bearing for SIX WEEKS), I still like to hope that I will never even be a PATIENT in the OR, either.

Needless to say, I survived ENT. It wasn't all that bad - the residents LOVE to teach so I learned a lot and they gave us quite a few extra days off for match which was greatly appreciated.

There's plenty of other news to update about.

1) Chris and I are trying to buy a house. We have a bit of a dilemma, though, because we can't decide what we want! Here are our options:
Option 1: A really awesome house. It has a backyard with a little porch area, a garage, and lots of nice space for us. Our current favorite actually has 4 bedrooms (although 2 are pretty small) and is a pretty good deal. There are some things that aren't so perfect about it, though - it's on the main road for the entire subdivision so it's a little busy, the driveway is pretty steep, and the master bathroom is TINY.
Option 2: Our landlord mentioned to my dad that he would be willing to sell it. Hopefully we could get it cheap (maybe without a realtor fee too), we wouldn't have to move, we're SO close to campus, and it's close to Patrick and my parents and everything. The problems with it are: sparse parking (and not covered), it's kind of a undergrad area and we don't really like our neighbors, and it's a really crummy area to go for a run.
Option 3: We haven't explored this option too much, but we're interested in looking at other townhouses that would be a bit more expensive, but with better parking situations and more privacy.
Plus, we need to do it by April 30 or we won't get the tax credit. The only thing that makes this sticky is the fact that we may only be here for 3 years depending on where Chris matches when he gets to that point. We're either going to have to rent/sell our house, and for 3 years we won't even make a dent in the payments...Any insight would be appreciated :)

2) I'm dancing. and dancing and dancing and dancing! In the humanities festival next week - I even got Chris to do one of the dances with me! How adorable is that! It's a mixture of lyrical/ballet, stepping, waltz, hip hop, and swing! Chris and I are doing the swing - it's so much fun! The humanities festival is next Friday so I'd better get to practicing! :)

3) Oh yea - MATCH DAY!!! How did I even forget this one! I matched to my first choice - into the UK Primary Care Internal Medicine program. I tell people that internal medicine is like being a pediatrician for grown-ups, and the primary care track gives me more opportunities to work in an outpatient setting than an inpatient one (more clinic than hosptial). I'm so happy and excited (and of course, a little nervous). Match day was stressful and fun at the same time - you go up on stage and they play a song you pick out, you open up your envelope and announce where you're going to everybody! It's so nice to finally have the pressure off - the pressure that's been building ALL YEAR LONG! Now we finally have an answer and can make plans (like getting a place to live!)

That's about the extent of my excitement recently. As you can see, I changed the colors/layout...I think it's fun and girly and cute! Hopefully it will inspire me to write more. I'm starting University Health Services rotation (a clinic for student that's open from 9am-3pm during the week) so my 13+ hour days are going to shorten considerably!

PS- During the writing of this post, I ate half a bag of carrots. Holy cow! That's like 240% DV of Vitamin A!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i think you're WAY cute. can i be cute like you, please?

loooooove you . . .