Wednesday, November 26, 2008

4 short stories.

Patrick the Meatatarian
Once upon a time there was a boy named Patrick. He was allergic to raw fruits and vegetables (yes, really) but he didn't care for them cooked, either. He became a meatatarian. When asked "Patrick, what did you have for dinner tonight?" he would reply, "Chicken. and Hamburger. I might have a hot dog, do you want one?" Also, he would leave his meat-juice plates all over the apartment he shared with his sister. Also, he would leave the empty raw-chicken-containers in the garbage for days at a time, which caused the house to smell like...well...I don't even want to talk about it. It made his sister very unhappy when she walked in the house and literally Gagged from the smell. She may become vegetarian if this keeps up. Ugh.

I Hate Medicine
Not the profession, but the actual pills. I have come to the conclusion that if there is a possible side effect to a medicine I will have it worse than most. Even side effects the doctor didn't tell me I would have. In the past year I can count five different medications I have taken and each one caused me considerable distress. I don't think it's just because I'm a wimp - I don't believe everyone has these problems. Maybe I have something wrong with my P450 proteins and I can't break things down properly. I'll never be able to have hypertension, diabetes, or any other chronic health problem because I can't (won't?) take medicine for it. I'm going to be a much better doctor than patient, because medicine is for the birds (actually, I wouldn't even will this on birds!). I'd better go eat some low-fat veggies, get my shots, and take a bike ride (with a helmet, of course)!

I just began my internal medicine "megablock" of 3rd year, which is 4 months of wards, ICU, ER, and subspecialty training all rolled into one. I am very excited for this block because Medicine is possibly a career choice for me. I've been busy talking myself out of Family medicine (more on that another day) so IM is looking pretty promising. I hope that I love every minute of it. I am concerned, however, that the personalities I have met so far aren't really my "type" - a little more conceited and a little more intense. Also, it's apparently very hard to do well (well=A) in this rotation, which stresses out dumb little me, but I'm going to study hard and do my best and see what becomes of everything!

The Smith family (my mom's side) celebrates Thanksgiving the same way every year: with lots of laughter and tons of food! We're all getting together at my parents' house to eat and give thanks. I have a lot to be thankful for, which sounds like a great idea for another blog post. What a cliffhanger! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

you and those silly silly A's . . . or, shall i say that silly silly drive to get A's - how much you and I are alike in that respect! don't be overcome by it all; now that i'm in the "real world," if Peru even counts as part of that, being a student (well, not a med student!) totally sounds great, even with the uncertainties about getting the grades you want. :)