Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3 days

Only 3 days into medicine, lots to update on but not much time to do it. Here's a superduperquick update

--Med team 1 is OK, getting better. Medicine patients are hard. I should learn a lot these couple months.

--Hours aren't terrible but definitely not great. Hard to get back into the swing of no free time after ER, break, ICU, and Subspecialty clinic week.

--Been doing P90X workouts (week 6) and getting frustrated with a lack of results. More to come later.

--I'm getting more conflicted with my future plans. Trying to talk myself into loving medicine. Wondering again about peds. Pediatricians just seem so much happier. I want to be happy. Medicine docs seem tired.

--Have to give a talk tomorrow about renal failure (which is happening to my patient because of something we did to him). Kidneys are so hard. (At least they're cute.)

--I'm not getting nearly enough sleep. Not nearly.

--Need to go finish that talk.


Anonymous said...

Katie - you could do med - peds - they seem happy... you'd be great with all ages.

Katie! said...

OH MY GOD: You must see this. My friend sent this to me today and I thought of you immediately. Enjoy!


Love you!

Katie! said...

P.S. I didn't think of you because your cakes look anything like those on that blog...