Thursday, January 29, 2009

better day

Another disclaimer: I wrote this on my cute little handheld PDA this afternoon (but couldn't post it) and it is awesome except not very good at spellcheck/formatting. So, I did my best but forgive the errors. :)

so, today was a much better day. (funny how that happens) First off,the
weather wasrit nearly so stressful. Chris dropped me off at the
hospital (because he is awesome) and I saw both my patients. I was
done by 8 so I could go to morning report but I Found out it was
canceled! So I treated myself to some cafeteria breakfast(which is
good and unbelievably cheap) then headed to rounds. My Attending
didn't make me feel too dumb and I even got a question right that Jeff
didnt! Miracle! I think it irritated him because he said I guessed the answer.
Actually, we had been pimped on it yesterday and I had felt humiliated
so I just looked the Stuff up & knew it. Anyway, I bought myself a Diet Coke as
a lunch Treat both because the morning was good But also Because Dr .
Wilson said we would have "teaching" session after lunch (which has
never happened before) and I thought some caffeine would be a good
idea. He was really nice and taught us how to distinguish between
"sick'' and "not sick'' which was very useful. Then, we saw a new
patient and got an assignment- to get some medical records faxed
over to us... unfortunately we failed at the assignment but tomorrow morning
we should be set to get them. The most awesome thing? Done by 5pm! On a call day!

Also, I finally (finallyfinally) got my little ''pocketPC''to work
(again, because Chris is so awesome) So I'm actually writing this
entire thing by hand and it it "transcribes" what I write. It's pretty
accurate but this post may need a little editing after all is said and

Unfortunately, I'm waiting on Chris because his boss (who is
allergic to silence) decided they should talk about something. Boo. Oh
well, hopefully I will get home soon. I'll just have to munch on this
chocolate while I'm waiting. I weigh 109 pounds, right?

1 comment:

Katie! said...

Stupid Jeff. Of course you knew the answer and didn't just guess it. Just because he didn't know it doesn't mean it is unknowable! Arg, gunners. They kill me.

Glad you had a better day!