Thursday, January 28, 2010

Belated Holiday Post

My friend (and "forever-roomie"), Amanda has been in Peru doing missionary work as a teacher for the past year and a half. She is having a blast and is currently planning to be out there at least another year and a half! I'm super proud to call her my friend. She came home to visit for Christmas (and I hope hope hope I will be able to visit her in Peru within the coming year - !!!) and I was lucky enough to spend TWO evenings with her!

I was actually lucky enough to hang out with her AND with my friend Jessica. She's a Spanish teacher and pretty awesome herself. Amanda, Jessica, and Jessica's husband Matthew came over and Chris and I cooked dinner. We made white bean hummus and crackers, pasta with bolognese sauce, a nice big salad, and...drumroll please...chocolate marscapone brownies with chocolate ganache and topped with almond whipped cream. Pretty amazing.

We also had lots of fun playing with Chris' camera. For some reason, these were the only photos he gave me (and probably the only "normal" photos of the entire night!).

Amanda gave me this super cute Peruvian scarf - I love it! I think it makes me look trendy, don't you? :)


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