Saturday, January 2, 2010

Workout DVDs

So, Chris and I have had Netflix for about five months. In that time, I've watched many workout videos (and participated in them, of course!). Although many I only watched once, there were a few that I really liked. Since pretty much everybody wants to get healthier in the new year, I thought I'd throw in my two cents as far as which videos I would buy. That is, if I didn't do netflix - which IS cheaper than a gym membership you know, and there are many choices for instant streaming workouts! Before I start sounding like an infomercial for netflix, here are my recommendations and non-recommendations! (in no particular order)

(Edited in: To save you from reading everything, Self: Bikini Ready Fast, Jillian's 30-Day Shred are my top two; and the shred is actually the best I've ever done by far. Buy it.)

Self: Bikini Ready, Fast
I really like Self workouts, and this is probably my favorite. Ellen Barrett is the instructor and I have a not-secret girl crush on her. She's not annoying at all, and explains everything well. You need light weights for this video (I did it with 5lb and it got my muscles burning; they recommend 2-5lb). This is a great toning workout, and there is a lot of "standing ab work" which is cool and different, but maybe not the best ab routine ever. I feel like there is more focus on upper body, but I did this just yesterday and my legs and back are sore and my arms are fine. Weird! The video is about 30 minutes (maybe a bit longer).

Self: Your Best Butt, Fast
Self: Firm, Flat Abs Fast
Self: Slim and Sleek, Fast
These are all more Self workouts. They're all decent, I don't like them as much as Bikini Ready but they're pretty solid. They are a little more cardio (which I prefer to do on the treadmill or outside) but good to do on a rainy day.

Jillian Michaels: No more Trouble Zones
Cardio Kickboxing
30 day shred
Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
Although I don't watch The Biggest Loser, I really, really like Jillian workouts. Every single one I've ever done has been solid. My favorite is hands down 30 Day Shred. There are three 20-minute workouts that are HARD. You will sweat so much and it's awesome because it is over in 20 minutes! It's circuit training, and keeps your heartrate up with cardio, strength (you need light hand weights), and ab work. I've never done 30 days of it, though, so I can't vouch for the effectiveness of it alone, I just really enjoy the video. BFBM was another solid workout, also circuit training, but is a little less intense but lasts for 50 minutes. Cardio kickboxing is fun and a good cardio workout (I think 30-40 min if I remember correctly) - not as hard as the shred, but actually a pretty awesome addition to it if you really want a workout! One thing I really appreciate about all these is that Jillian combines moves - so you're doing legs and arms together to burn more calories in less time, which is what I want.

10 Minute Solution: Kickbox bootcamp
Target Toning
Rapid results Pilates
Fat blasting dance mix
If you are looking for a super quick workout (and maybe not the most hard 10 minutes of your life) these are pretty good. I've tried to do these as study breaks, but I actually prefer to just do three or four of them at a time...or all of them! Each DVD is broken into about 5, 10-minute segments. Some (particularly Toning and Pilates) will focus on one area of the body at a time (so if you want to do 10 min of abs, you can do just that). The pilates is the best of the group, and I couldn't do the dance mix - not coordinated enough and she went too fast for me! I do like that these can be done with very little time commitment (and it's easy to say "well that 10 minutes wasn't that bad, maybe I can spare 10 more)

Crunch: Cardiosalsa
Candlelight yoga
Fat Burning Ab Attack
I don't like these too much. Cardiosalsa was too crazy and yoga usually isn't my thing. Maybe somebody else would like them, but they weren't for me.

The biggest loser: the workout
This workout was okay, a decent workout and the contestants on the show actually do the workouts, which is encouraging. It wasn't a super hard workout but it's better than sitting on the couch! It was laid back, and there are some workouts (I think out of 4 total) that are low-impact. Trainer Bob is the host (if you follow the show) and he's pretty laid back and not very pushy, so you have to keep yourself motivated. 4 workouts, 100 minutes total.

Cindy Crawford: Shape your body workout
This video was made in the 80s. It's not very fun, Cindy isn't all that good at what she's doing and she does it waaay too fast. It was funny to look at but got sent back after watching only maybe 5 minutes. I couldn't handle the 80's-ness of it all.

My brothers got P90 last year and I actually did half the workouts (I mean, I did all the videos for 45 days instead of the full 90). The premise is you workout every day (each video is over an hour) and you alternate with strength training and cardio. The workouts seemed pretty good but long and Tony Horton was only a little annoying (mostly he was sort of funny because he is crazy). Unfortunately, I think these videos were made for men. Chris and I did the same things for a month and a half (seriously, that was a huge time commitment for me) and he bulked up some, but I didn't notice any bit of difference - halfway through the program, working out more than I had ever done in my life(!) and eating healthy, and I didn't notice any changes - no extra energy, no firmer, no healthier. So...I'm not a fan.

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