Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Statuses of 2009

While I usually disapprove of most facebook applications, I found one that a friend had used that shows what your status updates were for the entire year. I tried it out and it let me see all my updates for the whole year (as far as I can tell anyway) and I thought it was actually a pretty good overview of my year. 2009 - you were more amazing than I ever would have guessed. Here's to an even better 2010!


needs to sleep before her 6am ER shift.

caught a cold and spent her only day off at marriage class. Ick!

is NOT happy that being a 3rd year means being a "Plan B" employee. Boo!
Yes, I remember surviving the great snowstorm of 2009. The roads were ridiculous, and I should have just called in. Seriously, 3rd years don't matter anyway. Thankfully, I only live a mile away and I had an awesome fiance (now husband!) who drove me in and picked me up (seriously--awesome).

is-holy cow-getting married in 8 months!
So much of the year was spent preparing for marriage. Marriage classes, meeting with the priest (hundreds of times it seemed like), picking out every teensy little detail. I wish that it hadn't stressed me out at all, that everything was in stride, but these silly wedding guides make you believe that it really DOES matter whether you have ivory or white linens, or whether your food is a buffet or served by waiters. I eventually realized that none of that stuff matters at all to me, and that made the process so much easier! I'm glad it's only something I have to do once, though!

is about to enjoy her first day off in two weeks! whoo!


was at lexington green and somebody was shot!
I still get a little creeped out when I go over there. I was at Lenscrafters and I heard the gunshots...but had no idea what they were! One of the scariest moments of the year.

made 108 pumpkin chip muffins.

has a dress. :)
and it was lovely! It was hard to come to a decision that the dress that I wanted was completely and absolutely unlike what I *thought* I wanted...but everything turned out perfect in the end.

is visiting Indianapolis this weekend.


hopes the peds neurologists will let her off for Easter!

caught a bird. in her dryer.

is proud of Catholic Christopher!
Chris became Catholic this year (on his own, not even because of me!), and he has made me such a better person in the process. Thanks, Chris.

has seen enough strokes, thanks.
Neurology was not my thing.

RAINBOW CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is irked they moved the neuro exam, but instead I got a dental appt. so I guess everything worked out.

No-Cavity-Katie strikes again!

needs someone to give her advice for surgery rotation, or at least let her borrow some books?

has yellow hair! eep!
I went back to being blonde this year (after a couple years of red and brown...and I hate that I love it. It's such a pain to keep up but it's so gosh darn cute! Well, I'll enjoy it for the rest of 4th year, then sleep-deprivation of residency may turn me back into a brunette...we'll see.

needs help with my ant problem. Bleck!

got laryngoscoped today! for fun!

has the best and sneakiest friends! Thanks so much, guys, you're awesome! :-D
My groupmates threw me a surprise bachelorette party, and it was fantastic! So fun.

Chris made blueberry cornmeal pancakes...mmm :)

305 days and you gotta call me Dr. Twist! (or Dr. Simmons, or whatever)

is going to take a $1000 test. Boo.
CS wasn't really that bad, but it could have been cheaper. Or optional. Went to Atlanta with my parents and hung out at the Coke museum for an afternoon. It was a quick trip but nice to spend time with my parents.

has too many teacher friends and they're making me sad with their "starting school" updates...I need a vacation too!

August a 4th year... whoo!

does anyone know anything about dial-up internet nowadays?
I studied for CK at my grandparents house, and they had no internet, so I had to find some options. I ended up with broadband that we just paid for a month...a fantastic idea to make me study, actually.

warm, homemade italian cream cupcakes. from scratch. :)
I was making my grandma's 80th birthday cake, and needed to practice all the recipes to make sure they'd turn out well! Chocolate chip, carrot, italian cream, and chocolate. How could they not turn out well?

3 years of nonstop multiple choice tests has made it practically impossible to write an essay...

teensy baby pumpkin pies!

moving my stuff from apt 37 to apt 47 (before *hopefully* moving to B-town for AHEC...)

Chris got his wedding band today! whoo!

just busted out ERAS tonight...yessssss


only 3 days on peds, and I already caught something. ughhhh. Thankfully, it's probably not swine flu.
I was sick that WHOLE ENTIRE MONTH...extremely frustrating, and I had no energy to be gettng ready for the wedding! It was a good excuse to hole myself up in the back room and study for boards, though, so I guess it was good in the end.

had a great birthday, thanks for all the messages! :)

is getting married in ONE MONTH! yeaa!

has been voiceless for over a week...and the coughing begins. kids are little germballs.
I had no voice for THREE weeks total. Ridiculous. Almost made me swear off pediatrics forever.

decorating a HUGE cake for my grandma's 80th birthday bash today! hooray!

Step 2 on Friday - blech. Then the fun begins!

had an awesome weekend!

getting married in 9 days, getting excited!

passed CS! Even though it's not much of an accomplishment, I think it still deserves celebrating :)

is married! it's awesome!!!
The honeymoon was even awesomer :)

is married, sunburned, and rocked the last day of vacation ever!


just did the math, and I'm getting paid $0.15/hour this month. Better than nothing!

just made homemade cookie dough ice cream (and peach frozen yogurt yesterday) !!!
Bought myself an ice cream maker with gift cards from the wedding. Definitely have gotten our money's worth on that purchase!

loves making frozen yogurt!

sturgeon face :c

loves vegetables.

is making pumpkin ice cream...mmmmmmm!

has wedding pictures! HOORAY!

figured out how to made chocolate fudgesicle ice cream (and it's lowfat!). YES.


has begun her trek down the interview trail.

made delicious soup! Yea!
I baked and cooked more and more as the year has wound down to a close. I had less and less to do, so I just filled the time with cookies, soups, muffins, and everything else. I try to give most of it away so I don't become know.

baking eggnog-cranberry muffins and gingerbread cookies...headed to NC tomorrow for one more interview. hooray, holidays!

cleaning, decorating, and baking for a holiday party!

ridiculously sore...spent too long at the gym I guess. Maybe gingerbread cookies will make it better!

wedding pictures are (finally) up...thanks to Chris! and thanks to Varland Photography for taking such awesome photos!

is choppin off her hair today!

my husband is apparently a gourmet chef, who knew? <3>

homemade graham crackers and homemade marshmallows equals only one thing...SMORES

1 comment:

Katie said...

Sorry, I can't figure out how to format it so it works. I've tried a hundred times. If you know how to fix it on try #101 feel free to comment. :)