Tuesday, January 26, 2010


That's right folks, I ran a marathon. Nevermind that it took me five days to complete, or that it isn't really running if you're on a machine in a gym, but that I did it and that's kinda cool. I even ran eight miles the other day! Eight! I've been increasing my trips to the gym for one simple reason:

I don't like wearing pants.

This happens every once in a while. I walk around, pantsless (and freezing, given the dreary January weather) either until I find a cozy pair of sweatpants lying around or just give up and curl up in my snuggie and don't budge off the couch.

Why am I pantsless? I think my pants get a little tighter and I just decide not to wear them anymore. Why are my pants tighter? Well, it might have to do with the all-inclusive honeymoon, the holidays, and the fact that I love baking and do it pretty much whenever Chris plays video games. Which is all the time.

So, I've been hitting the gym a bit more and I can say I've successfully worn pants ALL DAY for the past two days. I think of that as an accomplishment!

I've mostly been running on the elliptical machine because the treadmill gives me a weird pain in the side of my foot - I think because my shoes are old. So, I've been "ellipticaling" I guess you could say. You know how they talk about a "runner's high"? Well, being that I've only run 4 miles max in my whole life I'd never experienced that sort of thing. However, the other day I was bored and just kept running...it helped that I was fully stocked with sweat covered magazines, a big window, my ipod, and 3 televisions within eyeshot...and I ran, and ran, and ran. And you know what happened when I stopped running? I wanted to run more! We left the gym and I ran to the car. I know - bizarre. But it was really cool.

I probably won't keep up my crazy habit and I'm pretty sure I will NEVER have the urge to run a real marathon (black toenail, anyone?), but I'm having fun right now, and that's what counts. And I'm still wearing pants.

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