Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pizza time

*Note: I finally finished posting my stuff from vacation but since I wrote it so long ago it is lower on the page (and I don't know how I can pull it back up - so don't forget to read those!*

I stole my mom's bread machine and I'm turning into a little bread-machining machine! I'm actually making pizza dough right now, and some made-from-scratch tomato sauce is simmering on the stove.

Research is going well, I'm really enjoying my time there and starting to learn a lot. Hopefully I will get published (the paper is already written!). I'm making a poster with the other med student in the lab to present in the Pharmacology poster session and a later one for the med school in the spring. We also wrote a wikipedia page! You probably won't enjoy reading it but look at the nice formatting! Whoo!

Also, Dr. Craven was out of town this week but there was another group in a different department working on some rats that he wanted to use their livers and (of course) they decided to do it when he was out of town. So guess who got to be the lucky person to be at work at 7am to CUT THE LIVERS OUT OF DECAPITATED RATS? It was probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever done, but I chose "not to think about it" while it was occurring and I promise I will not share the details here. I am going again tomorrow for another fresh batch. Yippee, right?

Anyway, I figure after all that rat funness I should post a few extra pictures of vacation. :) Enjoy.

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