Saturday, April 17, 2010

I love student health, part 2

So this kid comes in for an STD check. (A frequent occurrence only weeks after spring break...) Anyway, part of the check involves a urine sample. He gets the schpeil about peeing in the cup then putting it in the little metal box in the wall. The box opens on the other side, which is the lab where they can run the tests.

Kid goes in the bathroom, kid comes out.

A few minutes later the doc comes over and asks the nurse "where's the urine sample? did you already send it off?" Nurse replies "what urine sample? I haven't done any urine in a couple hours"

Look in the box, no urine. Look all over the lab, no urine. Look in the bathroom, no urine. Look in the OTHER lab on the other side of the office, no urine. Nobody has seen this pee!

They go back and ask the kid, "did you pee?" and kid answers in the affirmative - he put it in the metal box on the wall.

Where did this kid's pee go?

Doc walks back into the bathroom and starts looking around. Next to the toilet is another type of metal box ON the wall. His pee is in the dirty tampon box!


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