Thursday, April 22, 2010

School's out - forever!



After TWENTY YEARS of school.

Holy cow.

Next time I see a patient, I'll be "Doctor ______"
(Dang, now I have to decide Twist/Simmons)

There are tons of thoughts and memories I want to share. I want to celebrate, I will miss a lot of my friends...I think a long post commemorating the past four years is in order, but may take a bit of thinking on my part so I probably should wait until I don't have to give a presentation at 8am to actually start writing. We'll see about that tomorrow then.

A side note: "Happy Birthday Dad!"

And finally, my funny patient of the day:

Chief complaint: "absurdly sweaty armpits, hands and feet."

And nerdy factoid of the day: Hyperhidrosis (or excessive sweating) is often treated with topical aluminum chloride (such as Drysol or Xerac), but can actually be treated with botox injections or even surgery to cut the symptathetic nerves going to your skin so you can't sweat. You can also take anticholinergics but they typically dry out your mouth, eyes, etc. in addition to your "absurd" amount of sweating. I learned all this during my dermatology rotation. I admit, I am a huge nerd and I really, really like derm. But it's OK, because I AM ALMOST A DOCTOR!

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