Monday, June 30, 2008

hooray, summer!

Well, I took the boards, then did a bunch of stuff. I promise to talk about the "bunch of stuff" sometime soon, maybe even later today, but I have errands to run!

As for the boards, I don't really remember much of them. I think it went okay. I was a little unhappy because they decided that there was a large chunk of concrete outside of the testing center (read: 7 feet from the wall of the testing center I was taking my exam on) that needed to be replaced. They were out there at 8:45am with a bobcat, concrete-splitter things, and a JACKHAMMER. Yes, folks, they were jackhammering outside my testing site. Not very pleasant but it was okay. There was also a girl taking her GRE who must have had tuberculosis and would NOT stop COUGHING. Ugh!

But despite the distractions I think I remained as focused as can be expected and (hopefully) did fine. *crosses fingers*

I've been playing ever since, and it's been great. I will write all about it soon. Promise.

Right now, I have to go return my library key so I don't get a fine. Oops!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

thanks for linking me on your super awesome blog! :) i feel so honored. if you wanna check out that song, go to youtube and search "jesus draw me ever nearer" and there is some random girl, "singitsista003" singing it. she does it pretty good justice though the sound quality is not perfect. enjoy! <3 ya!